Tuesday, June 17, 2008

In honor of Father's Day

This past Sunday was indeed Father's Day. That used to be a very special day for me. I always liked to do something to let my dad know how much I loved and appreciated him. One year Cindi and I took our dads to the track (harness racing.) We had so much fun. And now, Father's Day is just memories for me. So, I'll share a couple things about my Dad. His favorite painting is entitled "Twilight In The Wilderness" by Frederic Edwin Church. We used to take museum days when I was on summer vacations and we'd always go to the Cleveland Museum of Art and look for Twighlight in the Wilderness. Just staring at the beautiful colors of this painting in person made it easy to escape to this serene wilderness setting mentally. It was quite serene.

And he also enjoyed reading Robert Frost poetry. In highschool, I had to memorize and recite a long poem and I chose Quandary by Frost. My dad stayed up LATE with me helping me to memorize it...of course slightly last minute which was how I rolled ;-)


Never have I been glad or sad
That there was such a thing as bad.
There had to be, I understood,
For there to have been any good.
It was by having been contrasted
That good and bad so long had lasted.
That's why discrimination reigns.
That's why we need a lot of brains
If only to discriminate
'Twixt what to love and what to hate.
To quote the oracle at Delphi,
Love thy neighbor as thyself, aye,
And hate him as thyself thou hatest.
There quandary is at its greatest.
We learned from the forbidden fruit
For brains there is no substitute.
'Unless it's sweetbreads, ' you suggest
With innuendo I detest.
You drive me to confess in ink:
Once I was fool enough to think
That brains and sweetbreads were the same,
Till I was caught and put to shame,
First by a butcher, then a cook,
Then by a scientific book.
But ' twas by making sweetbreads do
I passed with such a high I.Q.

I miss you Daddy, every day!!


Anonymous said...

I miss my father too, Chica :o(
I hope you had a good day anyway. Miss you SO much. I have presents piling up...waiting for you to pick them up. Silly me - it's time to send them to you! The latest is a blonde & pink "hair" hair tie. I saw these and thought of you immediately - and your recent visit to the hairdresser. I hope they got the GREEN out! OMG
Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Chica! I just thought I'd try to say Hi this way and was looking at the beautiful painting and Frost poem. I also looked up sweetbreads - they sound really good. Looking up recipes now :o)...
Love YA!